Handling the Installation & Maintenance of Septic Tanks in Northampton & the Midlands | Northants Waste Control

Our team installs and cleans septic tanks for domestic and commercial clients in and around the Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire and Leicestershire areas. Our 2,000-3,000 gallon pump trucks can empty septic tanks of all solid sewage stored inside at any time, day or night. This 24 hour coverage, 7 days a week and 365 days a year, makes us ideal for clients in areas such as Northampton (our hometown) and Milton Keynes who suddenly find septic tanks full or close-to-full, and need urgent attention before sewage begins to back-up, or damage is caused to the septic tank’s internal components. After pumping septic tanks, we can clean them out and leave a bacterial additive which will encourage healthy operation in the time up to our next visit.

The frequency that septic tanks require emptying really differs on a case by case basis, and our team is always happy to advise on this should you contact our Northampton office. However, the Environment Agency advises homeowners in Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire, Leicestershire and the wider UK to consider emptying septic tanks once per year, to prevent overfilling and avoidable wear and tear. Heavy users of septic tanks, including commercial businesses like hospitality companies, may need to invest in more regular emptying and cleaning.

Installation Services

Certain newly constructed properties may require the installation of septic tanks. Likewise, owners of older properties with ancient septic tanks may find themselves in the need of replacing them with something less archaic. In both cases, Northants Waste Control can help, handling the installation of septic tanks in a seamless manner, minimising disruption to your day-to-day life or business operation.

Septic tanks are made up of a number of settlement chambers, which are attached to an inlet drain through which waste enters the tank. On the other side, there is typically an avenue leading to a soak-away or drainage field. Waste comes in, solids settle and remaining liquids drain away. A regularly replenished bacterial treatment inside the tank aids in the proper breakdown of waste items. The aforementioned clearing out of septic tanks – which we provide Northampton, Milton Keynes, and all over locales in Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire, Leicestershire – ensures that decomposed solids do not also drain away into soak-aways or drainage fields.

Septic Tanks & installation Guildelines

Under the GBRS anyone with a Septic tank discharging into a watercourse must replace it or upgrade it by January 2020 or sooner if the property is sold before this date or if the EA  finds that it is causing pollution.

The “General Binding Rules”

The vast majority of Septic tanks and Treatment plant owners will not need registration or permits for their discharges provided that they comply with the General Binding rules & fall within with in certain exemptions.

Generally, you must maintain the sewage system and not cause pollution i.e. regular emptying and obtain proof of this. You can download the rules from the Environment Agency section GOV.UK at :-http://www.gov.uk/guidance/general-binding-rules-small-sewage-discharge-to-the-ground.

Are you aware of where your septic tank waste is being disposed of? This is extremely important. A reputable company will have a waste carriers licence and will provide you with a Waste Transfer note which shows how much has been removed and where is has been / will be disposed of. We keep records of each and every time a tank is emptied should you ever be asked by the EA when your tank was last emptied.

Require the emptying, cleaning or installation of septic tanks in Northampton, or any other area of Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire or Leicestershire? Call Northants Waste Control today.